söndag 30 oktober 2022

En Joyce-text, del 5


Enter Home Err and Jay-Jay (leap-frogging)

Jay-Jay (panting slightly): Ah, feel the air! La mére!

Home Err: Hearken! I hear Time walking the waves.

Jay-Jay: I can still see them. And the sails, too.

Home: Defending …

Jay-Jay: … the deaf ending.

Home: Was du verlacht wirst du noch dienen.

Jay-Jay: Great. And no need to translate.

Home: Those also serve who only stand and wait.

(they stand holding hands)

Exit Sissy Carefree and Luck Molligan

Enter Dad-A-Loss


Dad-A-Loss: Sails, you say! It was father invented them. And the statues coming to life. And the labyrinth. And wings, of course. With wax to glue them on. Father and son a-flight together, flying high, flying low, like an arrow from the bow, and the son so near the sun. Wax melted and, well, he fell. Dead alas!

(turns to the two men holding hands)

Jay-Jay, who are you anyway? Jimmie Juice? Or Johannes Jeep, singer of sleep?

Von der Sirenen Listigkeit we fall like counting sheep and call and weep and stream a moving movie of Meryl Streep to help us not to fall asleep. Exits.


Enter Luck Molligan

Luck: A sleep? Perchance to dream, ay, there´s the rub.

Home Err: Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow´s the most present you can be.

Jay-Jay: The best present you can receive.


Enter Sissy Carefree

: Hallo! We want to sing together, I don´t know, anything together, maybe walk or talk. Do we have a speech together, besiege together, marooned on a beach together?

Luck: We have the hand that rocks the cradle. And the cradle that rocks the hand.

Penny: The tail that wags the dog.

Sissy: Il y a deux choses, mes amis. The destination that wags the voyage. And the voyage that wags the destination.


Enter Ben Smackeroonie

Ben: It is a day and a hundred years and a city and a sea and a book that is a novel and a poem and drama and associations and entertainment and excitement surging through your body. Full stop. Exits.

/forts i del 6

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