torsdag 27 oktober 2022

En Joyce-text, del 2

titeln är
Short story betwixt Maternity Strasse and Rue Morgue

och så här går den:

Introibo ad altare Dei.

I’ve always liked to say that.

In the name of Mock Hooligan and all the rest of us.


Hi, everyone, and welcome to the show! I’m your ghost tonight. Or narrator, should you prefer.

Amen. Ad altare Dei. Aiming at alter your day.


Language, for a start. What you just heard, Latin and English is it? Different tounges? Surely not. There is no such thing. Just put your tongues out all of you. And behold! They all look the same.

Now hearken to this.
(reads from an invisible piece of paper)


o dystre Odysseus

din gamle snedseglare

     målet är en

ursäkt för färden

även för oss

     som om vi också

skrivs av en



Incomprehensible? From another tounge? Nah. A wee bit wet perhaps from walking the waves. Just (blows on paper) there. That´s better. Now … hearken once again, please.


o blue Ulysses

criss-crossing the sea

     the destination is

an excuse for the voyage

also to us

     as if we all are written

by a blind man’s


 /forts i del 3

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